Stress Management & Relaxation /
Gérez votre stress
Deep breathing, relaxation tools, meditation walks, and kindness.
Relaxation Exercise: Lie down on your back, arms at your sides, and ankles uncrossed on the floor or on your bed. If on the floor, place a small rolled up towel behind your neck. Remove shoes, watches, and ties, anything that is restrictive and make sure you are comfortable. Begin with deep breathing and continue this breathing throughout the exercise. Clench the toes on your left foot as tightly as you can, hold for 3 seconds and release – do not hold your breath! Continue this clench and release with each body part working your way up your left side to the top of your head and then down your right side ending with the toes on your right foot. Focus your mind on each body part with each clench and release and continue breathing. Include ankle, calf, thigh, buttocks, side of torso, shoulder, neck, scalp, and face. During this exercise note specifically where your body holds tension. With this information, you can clench and release the tension in that part of you when the need arises. Complete the exercise by tensing your entire body and releasing. Get up slowly and carefully, rolling onto one side and use your arms to push yourself to a sitting position first. If you have been breathing deeply, more oxygen may have gone to your head than usual. Allow your lightheadedness to clear before standing. Book: Liens vers des sites français : |