Earth Care Links
As we explore and discuss the climate / justice crisis and possible actions, we often come across interesting information on the Internet. We will share it with you by adding links here as we come across them. Happy Reading!
Harbord Village Resident's Association
Net Zero Carbon Project: Working together to reduce our use of fossil fuels
Ecological Reconstruction in Finland
BIOS is an independent, multidisciplinary research unit which studies the effects of environmental and resource factors on Finnish society – on economy, politics, culture – and develops the anticipatory skills of citizens and decision-makers. BIOS is also part of the WISE consortium, which aims to improve decision making over wicked socio-environmental disruptions.
Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Let's build a circular economy
Absolutely Canadian
One Million Trees: the completely different, crazy world of B.C. tree planting
Net Zero Carbon Project: Working together to reduce our use of fossil fuels
Ecological Reconstruction in Finland
BIOS is an independent, multidisciplinary research unit which studies the effects of environmental and resource factors on Finnish society – on economy, politics, culture – and develops the anticipatory skills of citizens and decision-makers. BIOS is also part of the WISE consortium, which aims to improve decision making over wicked socio-environmental disruptions.
Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Let's build a circular economy
Absolutely Canadian
One Million Trees: the completely different, crazy world of B.C. tree planting